Frequently Asked Question

How do I sign up to stay in or near the Party Condo?
"If you are an individual need roommates and want to be inthe STMBT Party Condo or next door in the overflow condo or as close to it as possible, then use this group name: Party Condo If you are an individual wanting to be in the Party Condo then your Group Leader is: Party Central GROUPS WISHING TO BE NEAR THE PARTY CONDO: If you are a group (group leader) and your group is wanting to be near the Party Condo or an overflow condo, then use this format in your group name and NOTE that all group members must us this format too: PC - [YOUR GROUP NAME] If you are already in a group, then your group leader should contact OutdoorsCO IMPORTANT NOTE:If you sign up for the Party Condo group, you will be asked to sign / acknowledge an additional waiver regarding the potential impact on your trip. (noise etc)"